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Incontinent bunny pulling out matted fur?


Warren Scout
Buster had his first dental yesterday and since having pre-op metacam his bottom has been dry :thumb: Already his water intake has reduced and I'm really hoping we've got to the bottom of things. Anyway, I just saw all this fluff on the floor and thought he'd been digging at the carpet (hasn't done that since he was a baby!) When I picked it all up it smelt of wee and on closer inspection I do think it's his fur, it's like he's pulling out all the matted bits. He's been incontinent on and off for a while and hasn't done this before, although this week was the worst he's been. Anybody else's rabbit done this? Anything I should be worried about?
It's big clumps of just his bottom fur, he isn't losing hair from anywhere else so I don't think it's a moult. Just after I posted I noticed a few dribbles again, not feeling so optimistic now :(
It might be worth getting a urine sample tested, it could be he's got a urine infection and that's causing it. Another alternative would be a bit of arthritis and whilst he was on metacam that helped with that too and made lifting him bum to wee easier.

I'd also be very tempted to get the vet to shave that area of fur, it makes it sooo much easier for you and him to keep the area clean and mat free.