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in heat????


New Kit
Hi - perhaps this should be in behaviour section but I want someone who knows about rabbit health to confirm/deny my suspicions!!!

I have read that it's not possible for female rabbits to be 'in heat' in the same way dogs or cats are, so could someone give me an idea what my 13 week female rabbit is doing?

Just recently she's begun chewing the bars of her cage, perhaps in anticipation of being let out, but she does this even at night after she's had a day full of running around.

Also, whenever she's stroked, she sticks her bottom up high in the air, giving helpful access if I was a male rabbit!!!! If you see what I mean :lol:

She's a netherland dwarf, with a large cage, lots of different things to play with and do, and I let her out every day for hours on end.

any ideas?
Your baby's growing up and showing normal behaviour for an adult doe. Spaying will help calm her down, but she's not old enough yet.
She's definitely randy. The bottom in the air thing Nutmeg did before she was spayed. Best thing is to get her done once she's old enough. It'll stop the bad behaviour, give her a better quality of life as she won't be obsessing about sex any more, stop any 'surprises' and will guard against uterine cancer which is very common in older female rabbits.
pending on weight and size alot of vets prefere the min of 6 months, though there are some that will do younger, but this is taking the first line into consideration, best to ring around with females ive found some vets a little reluctant to do it, and palm you off with excuses, so finding a rabbit savy vet is important