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I bonded my 2 pairs

oh tell me how you did it!! Im too scared to bond my four, saffy is so territorial i just couldnt put dreamer and tinks anywhere near her, shes such a madam!! Im sure joey would be fine though :(

I had 2 buns in my arms, my dad had 1 and so did my mum.

I put a dog bed in my room and stuffed it with hay, everything was neutral ground. On the count of 3 we put all the buns down on the floor at the same time, they were more interested in nibbling the hay than each other. Cassie tried to jump on my bin so had to encourage her to mingle with the other and that was that, a bit of humping at first and that was it!! Was worried about the boys not getting on but i really didn't know what I was worried about as it went so well and i wasn't expecting it too. Was at least expecting a few fights but nothing. Emma helped me as she also has too pairs bonded and with her encouragement and advice, i wouldnt of been able to do it. Every day they love each other more, its so lovely to see them. :love: