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Hutch and attached run


Young Bun
Hi :wave:

Can anyone recommend some websites where I can find a hutch (with attached run) for my 3 bunnies? Have looked on internet and found some decent looking homes but would prefer to buy from a site that others have bought from.
(I'm in the UK).

Has anyone used this site for example?http://www.the-rabbit-hutch-shop.com

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!:D
Whereabouts in the UK? There may be someone local that someone near you could recommend. That often works out cheaper and you can have exactly what you want.
Not sure that any of them will have a hutch/ run combo big enough for 3 unless you contact them and ask them to make you something to order. (Ryedale will do this but they are expensive. They are stunning hutches though and built to last)
I agree with what someone said: shed with attached run or even a dog kennel like I have got (8x6, then shelves in).
www.dawsonsanimalhousing.co.uk makes to order, and they are fabulous. He is a nice man who delivered to me in Cheshire for about £40. They come fully built and are works of art. He builds any size, and will quote you very quickly. Have a look at the website, and pm me if you have any questions about him as I have had 3 different runs, hutches and shapes etc from him.