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Huge gert stick in my hay!


Alpha Buck
Normally the buns have Ings hay from Hay For Pets but since hay reordering day fell just after my birthday I splashed out on a bag of Timothy & Rye for them too.

Jaff loves it (he'll happily eat straw) but Ren isn't so keen.

Anyway, I just found half in tree in my hay! Has anyone else had this from Hay For Pets? I've emailed them to ask what kind of trees they have. I'm sure my buns would love chewing it, but I don't know what sort of branch it is. Does anyone recognise it? It's the length of my forearm! (Hence the pic for size reference.)

Think I'll be sticking to the Ings from now on.
I recently bought a bag of ING from them and had the exact same thing! I have had large sticks and also lots of smaller ones. There are LOADS in the bag. Don't know what kind of tree though!
In the last bag of Ings hay from them, I found a field mouse, perfectly flattened and dried out. Wasn't too fussed about it, it actually looked pretty cool...in a strange way.
In the last bag of Ings hay from them, I found a field mouse, perfectly flattened and dried out. Wasn't too fussed about it, it actually looked pretty cool...in a strange way.

Seriously. I'm a bit nervous of my hay now!! I guess we should be pleased, it means it's fresh out of a natural organic field....
In the last bag of Ings hay from them, I found a field mouse, perfectly flattened and dried out. Wasn't too fussed about it, it actually looked pretty cool...in a strange way.

:shock: :shock:

I'm scared to use my hay now :lol:
In the last bag of Ings hay from them, I found a field mouse, perfectly flattened and dried out. Wasn't too fussed about it, it actually looked pretty cool...in a strange way.

Guess I'm lucky to just get a stick! Would not have been impressed with a mouse!
In the last bag of Ings hay from them, I found a field mouse, perfectly flattened and dried out. Wasn't too fussed about it, it actually looked pretty cool...in a strange way.

I found a huge bug in mine, some kind of beetle about an inch long. Luckily it was right on the top and I spotted it before I stuck my hand in there :?

To be honest I'd be pretty miffed about finding a massive stick in my hay as they sell it by the weight don't they! So part of what you're paying for is a big old stick and not hay... :roll:
i found lots of orange string in my hay , seen that string before when i use to work on a farm , they use it for alot of things, wasnt impressed that it was in there though
I've had a few big sticks in my hay. I've also had leaves and all sorts of foliage in it. :lol: It doesn't bother me. I just take them out. Tbh, you have to expect these things, it's impossible to inspect a whole field's worth of hay! :shock:
I've had a few big sticks in my hay. I've also had leaves and all sorts of foliage in it. :lol: It doesn't bother me. I just take them out. Tbh, you have to expect these things, it's impossible to inspect a whole field's worth of hay! :shock:

I think I'd be more concerned if I didn't find things like that because it would come across as very artificial. I might be odd though.
In the last bag of Ings hay from them, I found a field mouse, perfectly flattened and dried out. Wasn't too fussed about it, it actually looked pretty cool...in a strange way.

I would be sick if I see a flattened mouse... Feel sorry for it though, I'm sure he didn't want to be in the hay bag...

My buns are not interested in the Ings I've ordered for them long while ago. I've given a bag to a local piggies rescue and the opened bag was just stored with their stuff. Recently I've found it's perfect to used as litter tray hay to cut down the cost, may be I should have realized earlier...:?
I found a large piece of plastic in my buns hat a couple of weeks ago. It looked like part of an old chest of drawers or something. Was not impressed at all! x
I have found locusts, sticks and dead mice in my hay. (yuck) I didn't realize the mouse was in the flake I put into Pip's pen and wondered why she hadn't eaten much of it and was standing off from the pile with this odd look on her face...then I saw the corpse. :mrgreen: There isn't an EW loud enough. Poor mousy. :cry:
The strangest thing I've ever found in bagged hay was almost two feet of rusty, curled barbed wire. :shock: I went madly through the bale making certain none of the barbs went wandering through it in case one of the buns picked one out by accident. I was livid.
Nothing to be done about it, the company only offered me a free bale....ermm...no.

Lately we've had very weedy hay with lots of stickers in. It's like a blight. :( My buns' tummies do not do well with this stuff.
I really wish there were a better way to give them the fiber they need, honestly. :(
I have found locusts, sticks and dead mice in my hay. (yuck) I didn't realize the mouse was in the flake I put into Pip's pen and wondered why she hadn't eaten much of it and was standing off from the pile with this odd look on her face...then I saw the corpse. :mrgreen: There isn't an EW loud enough. Poor mousy. :cry:
The strangest thing I've ever found in bagged hay was almost two feet of rusty, curled barbed wire. :shock: I went madly through the bale making certain none of the barbs went wandering through it in case one of the buns picked one out by accident. I was livid.
Nothing to be done about it, the company only offered me a free bale....ermm...no.

Lately we've had very weedy hay with lots of stickers in. It's like a blight. :( My buns' tummies do not do well with this stuff.
I really wish there were a better way to give them the fiber they need, honestly. :(

You have put me off hay for life. I think my partner is feeding Harry and the degus from now on :roll: :lol:
Luckily I've never had anything in the ings hay, but I did have a huge stick in an easypack hay once - and I've had cotton ribbon in roseweood herbs (herbal garden i think it was ) but I wasn't sure what it was and didn't want to give them it... I wrote to rosewood who sent me 6 bags to replace it :D
Stickgate continues. Current stick count is two large, two twiggy. All in the T&R. Luckily nothing in the Ings.

Not impressed but no reply from H4P as to what the sticks might be. Once I finish the bag I will do another tally but my buns don't eat as much T&R as Ings so it might be a while.