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How many pellets?


Young Bun
Ive been following the advice on the packet ( I use SS) which works out about 3/4 mug each day. I divide this in two and give them half in the morning and the rest at bedtime. They have all their veg at tea time and of course have hay all the time. After reading some of the posts on here, Im worrying they are having too many pellets. What do you think?
Do they eat enough hay? This is normally a good indication as to whether you are feeding too much.
That seems an awful lot of pellets. My 3 get a handful between them during the summer gradually increased to a handful each per day during the winter.
My bunnies get about an egg cup each a day and they are excellent hay eaters.

Generally manufactures do tend to suggest feeding on the the higher side as it sells more of their products.