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Inimical Me

Wise Old Thumper
Hey, I'm Samantha, proud mummy of a lovely little rabbit called Fidget, she's an all black Dawrf Lop/English cross. She's 10 weeks old, growing at an insane speed and getting more adorable by the day!

Fidget is the tamest, sweetest creature. Everyone asks if she bites...she's more likely to lick you to death. She loves cuddles and attention, and launches herself at my feet whenever I'm near. She has free run of my room (she's more of a "room rabbit" than a "house rabbit", since I rent a house with 7 people with one room to myself) whenever I'm there, until she's fully litter trained and has got over her little habit of peeing on my bed at every opportunity :D .

Anyway, I look forward to reading everyone's posts :).

This is Fidget when she was 10 days old, the day she opened her eyes.
She's ten days old on the photo ;).

Thanks for the welcome everyone.

This is her today, the first time she's sat still long enough for me to take a picture:
Thanks everyone! :D .

This is my new bun, who is so far nameless (she's been temporarily named Pie, because she's brown and round and fluffy and looks like a pie, not some nasty "rabbit pie" joke). I'll be getting her next weekend. She's 6 weeks old now!

Three weeks old:

Four weeks old:


With mummy rabbit (also Fidget's mum):