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Help me find...

Father Christmas bought me Rose Cottage :)
I've heard a few mixed reviews about p@h hutches but the majority of people said they didn't have any problems. It's like anything though... People are quick to let you know of the negatives but not so forthcoming with the positives x
Father Christmas bought me Rose Cottage :)
I've heard a few mixed reviews about p@h hutches but the majority of people said they didn't have any problems. It's like anything though... People are quick to let you know of the negatives but not so forthcoming with the positives x

Sometimes bunnies do chew their hutches but they would do that to any one they have, not just P@H ones in particular... but P@H hutches are known for being not particularly weather proof so people tend to be negative about them.

You can get glazes and paints that will add weather protection to the wood, just make sure you get a bunny friendly one!:D

Also, a hutch hugger is good for preventing rain/wind damage:)

PS, poundland do large vinyl/lino effect floor tiles which I would really recommend... don't use shavings, they're bad for little bunnies' lungs!:(
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I was thinking of investing in a hutch hugger. I think it's cheeky how they do a snuggle and a hugger... A cunning way of getting you to spend your money.
What do you use as bedding if you don't use shavings?
I was thinking of investing in a hutch hugger. I think it's cheeky how they do a snuggle and a hugger... A cunning way of getting you to spend your money.
What do you use as bedding if you don't use shavings?

Mine have lino with fleecy blankets and lots of hay! They have lots of hay in their litter boxs and also in their bed aread they have plastic dog beds full of straw:)
Good thinking :)
I'm always looking for money saving alternatives! Especially as the hutch hugger is almost as expensive as the hutch itself!
I recently had to buy a new hutch when my newly bonded pair fell out. It was Sunday at about 2.30pm when we hit crisis point so PAH was my only option. The hutch is OK quality wise but what I really wanted to say was about covers - I bought the Scratch & Newton rain cover and then bought the silver bubble insulation stuff which they make the other covers (can't remember name) from. It cost me about £10ish from homebase. I then cut pieces to fit the sides and back of the hutch and used a staple gun to attach it (carefully obviously). This gives it a nice snug fit. There is loads left too.
I will try to take some pics and put them on. Have a crisis of a blocked sewer at the moment (yuk) so garden is being dug up tomorrow and buns are a bit displaced. Just give me a day or so and I'll post the pics. Glad you now have a hutch.
I will try to take some pics and put them on. Have a crisis of a blocked sewer at the moment (yuk) so garden is being dug up tomorrow and buns are a bit displaced. Just give me a day or so and I'll post the pics. Glad you now have a hutch.

Oh dear! Hope you get the sewer problem sorted out :) Looking forward to seeing your handiwork :)