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Young Bun
hi everyone i have found my way here from MSE after looking on there site for help :)

i have two bunnys whom i thought were male, both sold to me as male :roll: there names were Benji and Tommy Bunny , well to cut a long story short Tommy is now Tammy and we have three baby bunnys :shock: I have seperated both bunnys and Benji will be going for the op in a few weeks *but shh dont tell him* Tammy is being a great mummy and bubs are doing well, they are still at the eyes shut stage at the mo, well i came here to find out how to sex the bubs, and is there anything i should be doing extra for mummy, nice to meet you all from me and the buns :wave:
Hi and welcome!

This isn't something I've got any experience of, so don't want to start offering advice! Normally someone knowledgeable would be along fairly swiftly, but they might pick up on this quicker if you posted it in Rabbit Chat. Hope you find some good advice on here!

Welcome to the forum, Witchwoo. I have only just joined the forum myself and, while I have not had much interaction with other members, I have found a wealth of invaluable advice. Best and warmest wishes, RighteousRabbit aka Brett.
Hi there and welcome to RU! :wave: Sorry to hear you were sold mis-sexed buns, there are a lot of people on here had the same problem!

It can be very difficult to sex baby buns, you really are best taking them along to a vet but even they can get it wrong! Here's a good sexing thread http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?t=46514 You can tell in older boys easily because they'll have testicles but these don't drop until 7 weeks onwards so no good with your baby buns.