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Hello from Scotland

Hiya and welcome from a fellow Scot! :wave: I'm way way further north though.

Your bunnies are so beautiful :love::love::love: lovely photos.
:D :wave:

thanks everyone, there really are some gorgeous bunnies on here ... I have to say as it's such a big forum it's taking me a little longer than usual to get used to things :lol: seems lovely so far though and everyone seems very friendly and helpful.

islay looks like a bun i had a few years back called domino :love:

and what a gorgeous dalmation WeeBarraxO!! :love:

Gorgeous rabbits! I am in Gartcosh, about 15mins up the m74/73 from you!

Kermit, my gran lived in Stonehouse on the main road through from Strathaven to the motorway! I know the area so well!:lol:
:wave:hello from.... yorkshire! :?

this is a great and very addictive forum!

your bunnies are beautiful, the colouring in the Bonnie is lovely. :D
aw thanks so much for the welcome everyone!!! nice to see so many people who live closeby!!

will update some pictures on the housing website soon as the boyfriend and i just bought the buns a playhouse today to upgrade their current hutch and run combo! will be a busy next few days building, painting and attaching the run!!

and thanks all for the lovely comments about the bunnies, they were very skittish when i got them at first, don't think they had been handled too much in their previous home, but they are turning into little softies :love: