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Heart broken

Fred and Lils mum

Warren Scout
Today we lost our bun and finding it so hard to come to terms with it. She was only 20 months old and was healthy as we thought. She was a bit quieter last night and didn't go mad for her veg at supper time but nothing made me think she wouldn't be with us this morning. Any ideas what could have been wrong. We are so missing her already and can't stop crying. :cry::cry::oops:
Sorry for your loss, what a dreadful shock. Sadly rabbits hide it when they are ill because they are prey animals so they don't give us much indication of being poorly.
I'm so sorry you lost your little bunny, binky free little one.
Sending big hugs, we all know how hard this is xxx
I am very sorry for your loss :cry: There are many possible causes of sudden death, so it really is not possible for us to offer more than guesses as to what caused the loss of your poor Bunny. A post mortem may provide an answer, but some people do not feel able to agree to having a post mortem carried out.

Binky Free little Bunny xx
I'm really sorry to hear this. Losing a treasured friend is always devastating - my heart goes out to you.