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Head twitch?


Mama Doe
Bailey sometimes twitches his head when he is sitting still. Its not like the binky twitch, its very tiny. I'm not sure if he has always done it, I don't think so and Luuna doesn't do it either. I just wanted to know whether it is anything to worry about or what it could be? He is fine otherwise.
Is it like an ear flick? Or smaller? Bobbin does a head/ear flick, but it's a very noticeable movement which I think is a statement of happiness like "come on let's play!". I've not seen any smaller head twitches.

Sorry.... absolutely no help am I! :rolleyes: :lol:
No, its not an ear flick. Its quite a tiny movement, looks involuntary, kind of like a human nervous 'tic' movement. I've just been watching him and he does it quite a bit, just sitting in his cage. I think hes doing it more than before. He also seems to blink more than Luuna. I'm worried now :(
dont panic....he may have been dozing..bandit looks like hes got a nervous tic...until i realise hes fighting to keep his eyes open! bertie does it too but not willow n bif....not like those two!! berties a REW frenchie so he looks like his eyes are open when theyre not sometimes and he does it but the master is bandit..first time i saw him do it i freaked out!
Do ring the vet tho for advice and reassurance....just to put your mind at rest ad ensure its just a snoozing twitch:wave:
Its definately not a sleeping twitch either. He will be standing up, then twitch a bit and then eat a bit of hay or move around whatever :? Just worried it could be a sign of neurological damage or something :(
I would ask my vet about putting him on a course of Panacur as a precaution-it's a good idea to deworm every 6 months anyway, so
I don't think it would be an excessive thing to do.
I would ask my vet about putting him on a course of Panacur as a precaution-it's a good idea to deworm every 6 months anyway, so
I don't think it would be an excessive thing to do.

How long a course of panacur? Preventative or 'cure'? He has had a 9 day recently, but he is still doing it :(
I'd do a 6 week course and also get your Vet to give him a check up

Janex :)

I was hoping you would be along soon :wave:
He is due both vaccinations, can he have both of these while on a long course of panacur? Wasn't sure if the panacur would stop him mounting as such a good immune response? Luckily he likes the taste of panacur :lol: Can it cause any problems over this length of time? Just so I can keep a close eye on him.
Should I do Luuna too? If so, then would she need 6 weeks too? She has never been panacured. I would have done them at the same time, but she has only just finished her baytril and they don't live together now anyway.
Sorry for all the questions :oops:
If they dont live together or use the same area to exercise then I would just Panacur Luuna for 9 days

I have never had a problem with anybun on a long course of Panacur.
AFAIK Panacur wont impact on the efficacy of a vaccine *but* if the Bun is being treated with Panacur for 'clinical symptoms' as opposed to a routine preventative course then I would probably not want the Bun vaccinated until treatment was complete and symptoms have resolved.
I'd check this with your Vet

Janex :)
Well they don't live together anymore (they used to before they fell out :(), but they do share an exercise area. Will Luuna be able to start her panacur now too? She finished her baytril 1 week ago, her tum seems fine though. I have started him off already, don't want them to finish their courses too far apart incase they reinfect one another. Or do I only give her 9 days as she doesn't seem to have symptoms? Although she does drink a lot :? I'm so confused :( Thank you for all the advice :D
Well they don't live together anymore (they used to before they fell out :(), but they do share an exercise area. Will Luuna be able to start her panacur now too? She finished her baytril 1 week ago, her tum seems fine though. I have started him off already, don't want them to finish their courses too far apart incase they reinfect one another. Or do I only give her 9 days as she doesn't seem to have symptoms? Although she does drink a lot :? I'm so confused :( Thank you for all the advice :D

Why was Luuna on Baytril?
Was she drinking a lot before being on abx?

TBH I would discuss the situation with your Vet as whilst Panacur is relatively 'safe' it is never a good idea to just make assumptions as to what may be wrong with a Bun. The 'head-twitch' may be EC related but it may not. Just treating the symptomatic Bun is one thing but I would not want to be treating both Buns with Panacur for 6 weeks based on an assumption.
Also, there are other reason for excessive drinking apart from EC ( UTI, Bladder Sludge/Stones, Kidney/Liver problems, Dental problems) so it would be a good idea to get that checked out to

Good Luck :)

Why was Luuna on Baytril?
Was she drinking a lot before being on abx?

TBH I would discuss the situation with your Vet as whilst Panacur is relatively 'safe' it is never a good idea to just make assumptions as to what may be wrong with a Bun. The 'head-twitch' may be EC related but it may not. Just treating the symptomatic Bun is one thing but I would not want to be treating both Buns with Panacur for 6 weeks based on an assumption.
Also, there are other reason for excessive drinking apart from EC ( UTI, Bladder Sludge/Stones, Kidney/Liver problems, Dental problems) so it would be a good idea to get that checked out to

Good Luck :)


Luuna was on baytril because she and Bailey suddenly decided they didn't get on anymore (after about 4 months together!), she started a fight and he injured her and ripped open the skin on her stomach :( So she had to be glued and given antibiotics... by the emergency vet :rolleyes: They sure can pick their times! She is fine now though. She has always drunk quite a lot, although my mum says that they don't when they are with her. My house is hotter though :?
I will get them both checked out at the vets asap. Poor boy, hes really worrying me :(
Thanks for all the help and advice Jane, you're a star :D