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he ate bird food!!


New Kit
today, i was fussing w/ the birds, putting them back in their cages when i heard milo pull the bag of millet off the coffee table. i grabbed the bag, but a huge bud fell out and he was quicker than me and ate it. do i need to be worried?
No, don't worry. Bird food isn't ideal for buns due to high levels of starch/carbohydrates (may cause excess caecotrophs) and seeds (risk of impaction) BUT a naughty mouthful by mistake won't do any harm. :)

My Poppy is a nightmare if she finds any traces of bird food on the lawn that have been dropped out of the feeder by the birds....we have to chase her off. On holiday at my parent's she very quickly perfected a high speed run and jump onto the wall where all the bird food had fallen off the table! :roll:
But I would not encourage or feed it - due to the reasons mentioned above.
he is way naughty. it's like he knew he wanted millet and didn't care so he gobbled it. haha. i think secretly, he's like, "if the birds are gonna play w/ my hay, then i'm gonna eat their millet".
If i worried everytime my bun munched something he shouldn't i'd be a total wreck :p

I obsessively hoover my room just so he can't eat anything that may have somehow got in there but i'm afraid it's practically impossible to stop them quickly scoffing something if they can get to it :roll: