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Hay :)


Alpha Buck
I buy my hay at the pet store. Between three rabbits and four guinea pig, I go through alot! Which does add up..

So I want to buy a bale of hay. I live in the west of Ireland and its very easy to find bales of hay. Infact just 5mins from my house theres a mart (how irish :p) that sells hay everyday. So I want to go there soon to buy some.

I'm worried though incase some of the weeds and flowers in the hay may be poisioness to the buns! Though obv if there for farm animals they would be ok for the rabbits..right?

So should I keep buying bags from the store or buy a bale?

Also can rabbits have clover - white and pink?
:wave: I buy baled hay my my buns & they love it. It's much more cost effective than buying from a pet shop.
Lots of us here buy bales. It was concluded in a thread just this week when someone had bits in their bales that was wasn't hay that there's no way farmers would be selling hay with poisonous plants in as it will be being fed to all manner of animals e.g. horses and cows which are people's livihoods. They are not going to jeopardise that.