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Hay Help!


Alpha Buck
Hi everyone,

I'm having real problems trying to get decent hay for Marlon. The last 3 lots I've bought have all sorts in them! Leaves, twigs, things that look like catkins and something that looks similar to barley stalks, if you know what I mean!

I spend half my time picking through it as I'm worried these things are dangerous for him! Am I being over cautious? Any suggestions?


Vic x
I get the expensive west wales stuff and even that's full of docks, buttercups, knapweed, you name it - takes me an age to sort through hay for 25 animals :roll: the only one I can't cope with is thistles as they are so dangerous to the animals and very painful :evil: I think it's just been a bad year for hay with the weather :(
I've never had a problem with this and the bunnies love it.
I get mine from a horse suppliers and i have never touch wood had a prboblem with mine only the odd static mite but that can be found in any hay