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Harvey, our new special bunny

I think he has got a bit of frenchie in his because of his head shape, his head is so much bigger than his poor body. His head is also a lot bigger than Elwoods and he is a large dwarf lop. i have never seen a bunny with so many empty folds of skin :(

looking at him I wondered if he might be a german lop?
Oh my goodness, they should weigh between 3 - 4 kg, that could make him half his proper body weight :( If his liver isn't permanently damaged I shall be very surprised :(
Thank you, I agree. I knew he should be bigger than elwood just by seeing them next to each other.

How could anyone just sit back and watch their bunny virtually starve to death like that :(

some people just don't care I will never understand why,theres just no need for it is there? :(
Oh no not another one like that :cry: What is wrong with people? But at least he found you guys, he is lush :love:

Its so sad isn't it, especially with the older buns. They give their whole lives to their owners just to be told 8 years on that their lives aren't worth anything to them :( Breaks your heart. Its so similar to Timmys story too, and in the same area :(
:love: He's lovely and how nice of the boys to make him feel welcome (that is sooooo sweet). He looks like he has made himself at home.

He is lucky to be with you and the boys to make his time very special. I hope there is no permanent damage and he has a few years left to be spoilt.
:love::love:OMG! i can see why you are in love!!! how could anyone give him up...but he'll be glad they did as he couldn't imagine how great it's gonna be living with you guys!:D
He reminds me of Timmy too and when i lost my very special girl Fern a few months later i took in my Teddy who was just like her and would even sit in the same place she did...i do think he was sent to help me heal just like Harvey:love:
:love::love:OMG! i can see why you are in love!!! how could anyone give him up...but he'll be glad they did as he couldn't imagine how great it's gonna be living with you guys!:D
He reminds me of Timmy too and when i lost my very special girl Fern a few months later i took in my Teddy who was just like her and would even sit in the same place she did...i do think he was sent to help me heal just like Harvey:love:

Exactly, there loss is definately our gain and hopefully Harvey's too :love:

Although he is very much like Timmy in many ways, he definately has many different personality traits, eg Timmy would never lick my nose he would have bitten it :roll::lol:. And I am being very careful to try not to expect too much from Harvey as Timmy was just so special.