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Goodnight Wallace, sleep tight my special boy


Warren Veteran
Wallace, my brave and beautiful boy, had to be put to sleep on Friday 2 May. His poor lungs could no longer cope and we had to make the decision to say goodbye to him.

Six months ago Wally became ill with pasteurella in his lungs. He was a seriously poorly rabbit, but with the help of my vets, together with advice from rabbit specialists, we managed to stabilise him so that he could enjoy a good quality of life.

Wally had to have a life completely free of stress. Anything stressful would trigger mouth breathing episodes. He couldn't run or jump, a gentle hop across the room was all his damaged lungs could cope with, but he was a happy rabbit. He loved his food, he loved attention and being stroked.

Two weeks ago Wally suffered another relapse. Despite being back on antibiotics his damaged lungs just couldn't cope, the damage was now too much.

I always knew that he would never get better. I knew the decision to let him go would always be just around the corner and on Friday night we came to that corner. :cry: The decision broke my heart, but it was the right one for Wally.

I will always love you Wally. I am so sorry that we couldn't fix you and make you better. We tried, we really did.

Goodnight my brave and beautiful boy xx




I'm really sorry to see this sad news. Well done for giving Wallace so much love and excellent care.

Sleep tight handsome Wallace. xx
Binky free handsome.

He was very lucky to have someone care for him so much :love:

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He will remain in your heart Tracy, a very special Rabbit indeed :love:

Binky Free Wallace, your spirit can now you are free from your poorly body xx