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funny bunny story

Thought you would like to hear about my bonding mishap. I have been attempting to bond Isabella my doe who recently lost her husbun Snowy -goodnight gorgeous boy. We then got a rescue rabbit Harvey who had also previously been in a pair. Each day i would take both to the bathroom with limited success. On one of these days i had taken Isabella back to her hutch and was doing the same with Harvey when he jumped out of my arms ran to Stephanie another of my females and they have been together ever since!!!
Oh well the buns know best, you'll just have to keep looking for a husbun for Isabella.
Or maybe take her to a rescue & she'll pick out who she likes.
...Well as a matter of fact I was at the pet shop the other day and there was a rabbit needing a home on the notice board (owners moving??) so I took him, he is a lionhead called Thumper 3 yr old.(I really have to get over my technically challengedness and learn how to put piccies on). Took him to vet for check, vaccinations etc and he hasn't been neutered so going in tomorrow. hopefully when he able will attempt to bond with Isabella, maybe she needs to choose her own husbun. I don't think she wants to be on her own after being a pair???
:lol: thats funny about Harvey ! :lol:
Poor Isabella.....hopefully she will find a new friend.......bless her!