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Frozen Fruits?


Warren Scout
It will be summer here soon (kind of :/) and I was just wondering if the bunnies could have frozen fruits.

I'm already building up my supply of frozen water bottles, As I will need them for myself the bunnies the rats and the dogs! (I put them in there water bowl and kennel)

For the most part they will be under cover/in the shade anyway, but they will still be outside, so I need ideas! :p

(Also, what part of the lavender can they eat? and does it have to be dried?)
It's probably not the same, but I tried to give mine small pieces of frozen veg before (once they'd been defrosted) and they just weren't interested. I think the freezing process must have affected the flavour or something. I don't see why you couldn't give them a small piece of froozen fruit though to see if they like it.

I have read in several places that both rabbits and guinea pigs should not be given frozen vegetables, it is not explained why in any of the places I have read this but my assumption would be that it is because of the freezing process causing a depletion in the vitamin content and/or once the food as defrosted there may be a higher chance of bacterial activity, which we would avoid by cooking the food from frozen but obviously the veg/fruit will remain raw for the rabbits consumption.

I hope that helps in some way.

Lu xx