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Front of hutch run


Alpha Buck
Trying to get my head round this... If the run is attached to the front of the hutch (rather than an under run with ramp) do you have to leave the hutch doors open all the time to allow access to the run?
Trying to get my head round this... If the run is attached to the front of the hutch (rather than an under run with ramp) do you have to leave the hutch doors open all the time to allow access to the run?

My friend left the front as a door and put a cat flap in the back of the hutch and attached her run this way - makes cleaning easier and the cat flap means it less drafty
Thanks - was wondering if it might be a bit too open to the elements. Use of a cat flap sounds like a possible.
Actually plannning to have the back of the hutch flush against the garage wall so couldn't really have cat flap at the back. Does anyone have one at the front? Or would sliding doors left ajar work better?
The slidy door goes from the hutch to the run. I can shut them in the run while I'm cleaning the hutch, or in the hutch at night. That leaves the front hutch doors free for me to open for supervised play time in the garden, or to close and still let them have access to the run :thumb:
Think the run arounds are great! My thinking with leaving the doors open is that it could get cold/wet etc whereas a sliding door left ajar or a cat flap gives access to the run but also some protection.
Just watch that it's fox proof- when I was wee we lost a rabbit to a fox who worked out how to separate the hutch and run :(
Our hutch door opens into the run. I prop it open or tie it back with velcro ties. I always shut the hutch door before it gets dark though, as a fox could dig under a run.