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Four Of The Rescued *Meat Bunnies* At Eastbourne Rabbit Rescue - PICS

:cry: cant believe anyone would eat these

*vows not to look at the black and white one EVER again* as she is too lovely and makes me think of Splotter when he curls his paws up and looks dainty! :love:

how could I still want more bunnies? :roll: :no:

I understand now how people on here end up with big "warrens" of rabbits :lol:

How about Dotamatrix for her? ;)
What on earth!

How did you find out about these meat rabbits? how is breeding them? :censored:

Does it go on throughout the country?

Ive never heard of it before in the uk?

Its awful :evil:
Well done for taking these bunnies. It shouldn't make a difference, but Im shocked that "meat" rabbits look the same as pet bunnies. I imagined that they would be more agouti and wild colouring. Sweet bunnies and wonderful they have been saved and hopefully can find great homes.