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Fizz- April 2010- 10th January 2011- Post 55, final resting place

One year ago today this beautiful boy came home to me; came home to die. Which means one year tomorrow we lost each other having only just found each other.

I so wish you could have stayed longer Fizz. I wish I'd never let you go, at least then I would have known exactly what happened, that you had a lovely life, friends, and were never let down.

I'm so sorry that I let you down and did rehome you originally.

I think of you a lot boysboy and I hope you're partying on up happily with Hazel-Flare and Clover.

Loving you always.

I hope the bridge is treating you well Fizz.

I can't believe it's been a year.

Hugs Sky and big nose rubs Fizzywizz.

ETA: Ginger is waving to her big brother in the sky.
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I hadn't read this before and am in tears.

How incredibly sad - what a beautiful bun.

I hope you have found the other RU buns at the Bridge Fizz and that you are all happy and causing mischief.
I wasnt a member on here this time last year so this is the first time i have seen this he looks such a stunning little character and sounds like u did the very best you could do for him please dont feel u let him down life can just be very cruel sometimes and makes it too hard to see any meaning but this little guy obviously made u and others very happy and that was his gift to the world! Run free little guy hope u and ur sibblings and enjoying binky time xxx :love:
Gosh what a sad story! I am blubbing like a baby here.

What a stunning little bun. Obviously very loved in his short little time which he will remember.

Binky free Fizz!
Thanks guys. He was amazing. Actually, I wish I'd kept them all (not because I believe Socks is unhappy, or Hazel-Flare was unhappy).

I'm left feeling sad for Fizz and still bitter at his old owner. I've never posted the full story but have told specific people. Maybe one day I will because I think the way she acted was completely shameful. Fizz deserved so much more than he ever got in life. He would have been much better off somewhere else (such as with Hazel-Flare and Clover ;) and meadowsweet) or with me, Wish, Flame and Autumn.
just seen this Sky-0,lovely Fizz is not forgotten and is with Hazel -Flare now.
Just wish we could have got to know him before he went.:(
He certainly knew your love for him while he was with you.:love:
I still think of you lots, matey man. Still wish you were here- specifically here, but in your new real home would have been good too.

Still feel like I let you down. Still know that they did.

Just know you're loved boy, ok? So very much.
I still think of you lots, matey man. Still wish you were here- specifically here, but in your new real home would have been good too.

Still feel like I let you down. Still know that they did.

Just know you're loved boy, ok? So very much.

RIP little man
He's with the lovely Hazel enjoying the sunrise and sunsets together at the end of our garden, never forgotten.xx
RIP little man
He's with the lovely Hazel enjoying the sunrise and sunsets together at the end of our garden, never forgotten.xx

Hello you!

I was thinking about you the other day. Would love to have a catch up, hear all about your crew and new dog (???).

Was wondering if maybe later in the year you'd like to come and see Wish and Flameyface? Drop me an e-mail or something :)
Lots of love to you Fizz. I am still filled with regret for what happened to you. I hope you're free. You're never forgotten. x