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first rabbit, have no idea what to do


New Kit
Hey, my step-dad bought me a rabbit about 2 weeks ago. I have no idea how to look after him, i had never even thought of getting a rabbit so i was kind off shocked when he gave him to me.

I'm worried about where he's living, he is currently living at my Mum's house, she has pet birds & a dog that keeps barking at my rabbit all the time. Can my rabbit get ill from the birds? I don't live with my Mum so i don't see the rabbit much, & my Mum is not really an "animal person" so i worry she doesnt look after him properly.

Also i read that rabbits need to be with other rabbits, should i get him a friend?
I don't want him to be lonely but looking after 1 rabbit is confusing enough.
But im going to college soon so i will not have much time or money so its really awkward.:(
I'm going to get him vaccinationed as soon as i find a decent vet in my area, might take a while, is it safe for him to wait for his vaccinations?
Gosh - it's hard to know where to start. Kind put you in an awkward situation hasn't it? :(

First things first, welcome to the forum :wave:

Let's start with some basics:

Do you know how old your rabbit is?

What is he being kept in?

What is he being fed?

ETA: Can he live with you? Inside or out?
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Its best to get his vaccinations done as soon as you can. They are deadly diseases. A non rabbit vet should be competant enough to give vaccinations :) Just make sure they give some of the myxi one into the skin.

It would be a great idea to get him a friend but I wouldn't worry about that too much for now. First he'll need to be neutered and then you can think about going to rescues and maybe asking if they have a single bun that they could bond with yours. :)

It's not great for bunnies to be with dogs. Bunnies are very prone to stress being prey animals so if you can I'd make sure they are in a quieter part of the house or garden.

I hope that answers some of your questions. Keep looking around the forum and you may find answers to questions you didn't even realise you had!
to fluffers


he's 12weeks old.
he lives in a rabbit cage, its quiet big (he's a small rabbit) but he cant get much excercise as im worried about taking him in the garden without vaccs. & the dog would injure him if i let him walk around indoors
he eats junior rabbit pellets, i think there called.
he lives in... i dont really know have to describe it... its indoors but its not part of the house.

I want him to live with me, but my Mum insisted he live with her so i visit her more often. Im hoping he will eventually live at my house.
to fluffers


he's 12weeks old.
he lives in a rabbit cage, its quiet big (he's a small rabbit) but he cant get much excercise as im worried about taking him in the garden without vaccs. & the dog would injure him if i let him walk around indoors
he eats junior rabbit pellets, i think there called.
he lives in... i dont really know have to describe it... its indoors but its not part of the house.

I want him to live with me, but my Mum insisted he live with her so i visit her more often. Im hoping he will eventually live at my house.


Regarding his accommodation. His permanent "base" should be at least 6ft x 4ft x 2ft (tall). This will allow him some freedom of movement i.e. a few hops & to stretch up & out. Any smaller and he could develop physical abnormalities but he will almost certainly be depressed. This in turn could lead to aggression.

Is the plan for him to be a house rabbit full time or to live outside? If the plan is for him to live outside then he needs to vaccinated (either way) but housed outside well in advance of the winter to allow his coat to grow. He will not survive the cold otherwise.

He should be vaccinated asap for Myxi & VHD. The must be given 2 weeks apart (can be more but no less)

If you start a new thread titled "please recommend a vet in xxxx" (insert the area you live) people will happily suggest a tried & tested practice near to you. Getting a good rabbit vet is very important.

For now, can the dog but kept out of the area he is in? Apart from distressing the rabbit, dogs (as well as people) can bring in the biting insects which spread Myxomatosis.

He will no doubt feel lonely, confused and frightened but there are things you can do to help him. Make sure he has somewhere to hide i.e. a cardboard box within the area he is kept. Plenty of clean water & fresh hay (both must be refreshed daily). A good pelleted diet (not mix), Wagg Optimum & Science Selective are both good brands and a small amount of bunny safe vegetables. Some toys will help with his boredom & encourage him to move around. Loo rolls stuffed with hay & pellets, apple sticks etc

Do you mind me asking how old you are? I think it unfair that your mum is using an animal as blackmail :( Either he is your rabbit or he isn't.
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thanks for the info:)

im 16 btw, & yeh i know it's unfair, as im paying for the rabbit that i didnt plan on getting & i hav'nt got to spend much time with the rabbit yet:(, but i care about the rabbit & want to make sure he's okay, one of the main reasons i want the rabbit to live with me is i'm not sure what my Mum would do with the rabbit if i stopped speaking to her (she's not the nicest person lol)
Just wanted to say hello and welcome to RU :wave:

Its so good that you've joined to get information and support from people on here.

Hope it all works out for you and your bunny.

thanks for the info:)

im 16 btw, & yeh i know it's unfair, as im paying for the rabbit that i didnt plan on getting & i hav'nt got to spend much time with the rabbit yet:(, but i care about the rabbit & want to make sure he's okay, one of the main reasons i want the rabbit to live with me is i'm not sure what my Mum would do with the rabbit if i stopped speaking to her (she's not the nicest person lol)

:shock: That's awful :( You poor thing. What a horrible situation to be in.

Well done for being so mature and seeking out help for your rabbit. If there's anything you think we can do to help please shout. Ask as many questions as you like and we'll do our best to answer them :wave:
Hello :wave:

Yup, RU is a good place for support and advice. It's great that you're interested in your new bunny's welfare.
Will your mum take care of him ok while you're not there?

What's your bun called by the way?

Hope it all gets sorted and that you're happy with everything by the time you start college.
hi and welcmoe sounds a very tricky situation. i would demand said rabbit came to mine to live and say to mum i will visit frequently anyway, im a mature teenager and dont need to be treated like a child or black mailed you are my mother and i love you but we need to put the needs of the animal first and he is MY rabbit ?! but not in a confrontational tone!!!!

secondly in terms of accomodation, if indoors then try an xl dog crate and attatched puppy pen with free ranged bunny proofed indoor time, yes he/she will need a freind but not until after he/she is neutered. an expensive op which is 100% needed for health reasons as well as for hormonal and bonding reasons. if outdoors go with a shed and attattched run (though a 6x2x3ft hutch and run would suffice for now!) i would get him myxi vaccs now and allow him run time even though there is a risk as the risk indoors is pretty much the same as out in terms of vhd (the other vaccs he will be waiting for) the vhd vaccs you should ask for lapinject the cyclap version tends to have side affeects. also if you change the food over to a pelleted diet rather than a mix it MUST be done gradually bunnies have very sensitive tummys ! give him some toys to play wiith a hidey area and a soft blanket to snuggle up to for now. best of luck and well done for seeking help and being so mature! x
Hello :wave:

Yup, RU is a good place for support and advice. It's great that you're interested in your new bunny's welfare.
Will your mum take care of him ok while you're not there?

What's your bun called by the way?

Hope it all gets sorted and that you're happy with everything by the time you start college.


he's called Jimmy:)
Hi-a warm Welcome to you and Jimmy to RU.:D:wave:

I would go slowly with your mum and stepdad, suggesting gradual changes so Jimmy has the lifestyle you want.:) No doubt they mean to be kind and do not realise what's involved with owning a rabbit.

Perhaps you could pick up some leaflets from the vets about rabbit care and just leave them there when you next visit- hopefully they will read them.
