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Finished the run - photos!


New Kit

Its finished and we're chuffed to bits with it! Its bigger than we intended (about 12 feet by about 6 foot) due to measurement/communication issues but I'm so excited!! We've probably made loads of rookie mistakes but seeing Violet and Shearer racing around is worth any flack I may pick up!!

Anyway, we've not got many toys in there yet - I've got some cardboard boxes to make digging boxes and what not but its been showery this afternoon and we didn't get finished until late so I'm saving them for tomorrow. We're also picking up a mini hay bale tomorrow to go inside the shed (mainly for climbing/nibbling) I forgot to open the shed door when I took the photos - but its basically a litter tray, hay manger and sleeping box, the floor is lino with straw on and there's hay and newspaper in the litter tray and hay in the sleeping box. We're put a low (hoppable) shelf in for the food bowl and adapted a chicken perch as a rail to hang bundles of cabbage leaves and whatnot from.

In the run there's a couple of logs - one with a fab hole right the way through that we stuffed with foraged leaves, a football (well, one of them is named Shearer) and a hedge we made out of a couple of apple tree branches and some hawthorn.

We've still got to put wire under the run but I couldn't resist letting them have a zoom about . Hopefully I've attached photos. The white bunny is the little girl - Violet. She's the shy-est and her fur is very stained (yellowy patches, and she smells a bit) I asked about bathing her but it wasn't recommended and hopefully with a clean shed and lots of space to bomb about she'll gradually clean up.

Anyway, here it is. We're all glued to the kitchen window watching them binkying - it's utterly joyful to see!
