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Finally the Shed is finished! (Pic Heavy!)

It looks brilliant! Nice an cosy when you visit them now the weathers getting cold too.

Just one suggestion... put the food in a plastic tub, I predict acrobatics to get on to the shelf for extra rations... or maybe that just my bunnies :lol:
It looks brilliant! Nice an cosy when you visit them now the weathers getting cold too.

Just one suggestion... put the food in a plastic tub, I predict acrobatics to get on to the shelf for extra rations... or maybe that just my bunnies :lol:

It's only unopened bags on the shelf - the open ones go in a tub. Hopefully they cant smell the pellets through a closed bag :shock::shock::lol:
I'm so very impressed !!!
I could have a wonderful holiday in a shed like that with Thumper, if the house did a simple meal! - No kidding.
Its amazing Alison!! I have seen the shed in the flesh and those are two very happy and very lucky bunnies!!! Its like a little bunny playhouse thats all warm and snug and safe!
Wow!! What an awesome home for them, they must LOVE it!! I love how nosey they were being whilst the paving was laid.
Big round of applause to your OH. :wave: