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I read this post when it first appeared and when I went into pets at home last week I picked one box up for £2 thinking its £2 so if she doesn't like it it's not a problem! Well she goes nuts for them! I give her them after I do her tray on a night and pop them on top of the hay. She hops in and picks one up then binkys round the pen with it in her mouth before eating it and then doing the same with the rest! hilarious to watch :) Also since she's been having them (a week now) her poos have turned to being the most beautiful (if a poo can be) big golden balls! She loves them and they must be doing some good inside that tum!
I read this post when it first appeared and when I went into pets at home last week I picked one box up for £2 thinking its £2 so if she doesn't like it it's not a problem! Well she goes nuts for them! I give her them after I do her tray on a night and pop them on top of the hay. She hops in and picks one up then binkys round the pen with it in her mouth before eating it and then doing the same with the rest! hilarious to watch :) Also since she's been having them (a week now) her poos have turned to being the most beautiful (if a poo can be) big golden balls! She loves them and they must be doing some good inside that tum!

Oh that's great! Do you just give her one as a treat?:)
I read this post when it first appeared and when I went into pets at home last week I picked one box up for £2 thinking its £2 so if she doesn't like it it's not a problem! Well she goes nuts for them! I give her them after I do her tray on a night and pop them on top of the hay. She hops in and picks one up then binkys round the pen with it in her mouth before eating it and then doing the same with the rest! hilarious to watch :) Also since she's been having them (a week now) her poos have turned to being the most beautiful (if a poo can be) big golden balls! She loves them and they must be doing some good inside that tum!

OMG the image of her binkying around with a treat in her mouth is just :love:
I brought some for mine and my eldest bunny isn't that fussed by them but he will eat them once his pellets and veg are gone!
she gets about 3/4 a night.

I need to be ready with the camera one night to catch her doing her lap with them but shes so fast as nabbing them! She sits licking my feet while I sort her box out and then as soon as they are put on top they get taken!
she gets about 3/4 a night.

I need to be ready with the camera one night to catch her doing her lap with them but shes so fast as nabbing them! She sits licking my feet while I sort her box out and then as soon as they are put on top they get taken!
