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Fenugreek crunchies discontinued

I have never seen them in the shops. I always get mine from the Hays Expert and had a delivery 2 weeks ago. They never mentioned that they would be discontinued. Maybe the supplier to the ebay seller has stopped.
i bought some wholesale from rosewood for my local rescue as i always get them a hamper for christmas and they arrived just last week and no mention that they are discountinued. So they still have stocks!
hope they're still available. Ollie and the spice girls have only just discovered them. I predict a riot....
:wave: I have just called Rosewood and they are still on their list and the person I spoke to was not aware that they were going to be discontinued - phew :lol:
:wave: I have just called Rosewood and they are still on their list and the person I spoke to was not aware that they were going to be discontinued - phew :lol:

Daisy: ....and relax, breathe one, two, three, four! Dudley, toss me another FC, rationing is officially OVER :D
Spoke to assistant in Jollys today, they have them in stock and say not being discontinued.......................they order fresh supply every week, so no worries everyone.
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