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Female bun peeing all over her cage


Young Bun
Cotton is about 10 months old. She was spayed about 3 weeks ago.

She has always been a messy bun but I was hoping that she would be much cleaner once she'd been spayed. Trouble is, she isn't!

She pees and poos all over her cage all the time. She'll use her litter tray once and then she stops using it, pushes lots of litter (megazorb) and hay out of her tray and pees in two particular corners (I can't put two trays in as the places she pees are close to each other). She's got a huge litter tray but tends to pee in outside it but where the corners of it are (hope that makes sense!).

Her cage is a mess and sometimes she pees and it drips down to the bottom storey where Fidget lives and he's such a clean boy bless him!

What can I do? I don't know why she's doing it or how to solve the problem. The litter tray she has belonged to my old bun bisc so I wondered if that was the problem. But he's now been dead for, well 10 months, so it couldn't still smell of him could it? I'm so annoyed because the two storey cage was so expensive and now it's just filthy. All her pee has hardened and I can't find anything to get it off (tried white vinegar and it did nothing).

What do I do?
I would neutralise the whole setup with a 50 50 vinegar and water solution; to erase previous scents from the setup.

What is her setup?

She could be marking territory if she can see or smell another bun.
We used to have a bunny that didn't like the sides being high on the litter tray (they were only an inch but it was too far for her delicate sensibilities), we swapped to newspaper with litter on top and no tray at all. It wasn't ideal because the litter moved about obviously but was better than when she was being a dirty bird and piddling whenever and wherever she felt the urge :) Hope someone else gives you a better solution but if not it might be worth a try.
Have you tried changing the substrate in her litter tray? Sometimes it can encourage them to use it if you use something else.

You could try to put more interesting hay in her litter tray or everytime she wees/looks like she's going to wee pick her up and place her in the litter tray. Then give her a treat if she does something :thumb: