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Feeling very honoured :-)


Warren Scout
We have had own bunny sisters Daisy and Snuggles for 6 and a half weeks now, when we first ued to open the cage they would hide together in the corner, so instead of automatically reaching in we just used to open the cage and let them come out in there own time and come up to us for fuss if they wanted to......
But now as soon as we come towards the cage they will run up and if we put our hands or face close to them they will lick:love::love:
So so nice to be accepted by these beautiful creatures:love:
Sorry me again lol!!!
Just have to share.....my bunnies are running free and have developed a passion for the beanbags (2 massive ones) they keep jumping, sink into them and then binky out :D
Don't worry people they wont sufficate I am litrally 2 steps from them but its so very funny to see them sink into it and all you can see is the tips of there ears!! lol xx:love::love: