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Echinacea - how much? how???


Alpha Buck
I've bought some echinacea drops to give Muppet to help boost his immune systems whilst he's on dexamethosone for his cervical spondylosis.

How much do I give him? I bought the children's version (on the assumption it would be weaker...?) but I've no idea how much to give him. He weighs 1.7kg (maybe a bit less at the moment). It says four drops two or three times a day for a 2 to 5 year old child. Cant think why it wouldnt tell you how much to give a small rabbit! :lol:

And how do I give it to him? I dont want to put it in their drinking water (as they already have avipro in that and anyway he wouldnt get the full dosage). I know Santa's rabbits drink it straight from the syringe - which I will try - but there's always the possibility that Muppet wont :roll: He doesnt eat pellets at the moment but he does eat veg and hay.
I'm not sure on dose, but you could try four drops twice a day, as it will be quite weak. Syringing it will be best. I take Echinancea drops myself for two weeks and then stop taking it for about 3-4 days, before restarting it again, so I suggest you give your rabbit a break from it too after about ten days.
I put it in the water a pippet full. I do it for two weeks and stop for a week. It does seem to help with my snuffly bun. I have just got from www.galensgarden.co.uk a Herbal Tincture which is good for the immune system which I will try when the echinecea runs out.
We get our echinacea directly from the vet it is much stronger than anything you can buy over the counter. Eddie is on 0.2ml 3 times a day :D
Cheers :D

I'll go for four drops twice a day then - I was thinking five days on/two days off (I read that somewhere, cant remember where now :roll:). He licked it off my hand so that's a good sign he'll eat it without too much persuading.

I found the Galen's Garden website, it's a very interesting read. I'd be interested in trying some of the herbs they mention, but I'd need to check with the vet first.
As a future alternative:

P@H also sell dried Echinacea - called Cone Flower (but it's the same thing), as part of the Naturals Range. However, you never know how much of the active ingredient you're getting with the dried herb.
We get our echinacea directly from the vet it is much stronger than anything you can buy over the counter. Eddie is on 0.2ml 3 times a day

Oops, we cross-posted so I didnt see that. I dont think any of mine stock it but worth asking in case they can get it in for me, thanks. I wasnt sure what sort of strength to aim for, hence getting a children's version.

P@H also sell dried Echinacea - called Cone Flower (but it's the same thing), as part of the Naturals Range. However, you never know how much of the active ingredient you're getting with the dried herb.

I did think of getting that but decided against it for exactly those reasons. I'm specifically wanting 'help' for Muppet rather than dietary supplement insurance 'in case it's useful' (I havent put that well but I'm sure you can work out what I mean!).