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Easy way to keep wild foods fresh

Geoff's people

Alpha Buck
This is going to sound really patronising, so I will apologise in advance:oops::oops:
I can't believe I only just came up with this after 30 YEARS of foraging:roll::roll::roll:


When you have picked you lovely nommable wild stuff..... put it in a vase of water:shock::shock: keeps fresh for days!
If I know I'm going to be short on time, I now pick loads in advance and put all the stems in a bucket of water:lol::lol:
I keep it in the shade near the buns:thumb:
You keep it near the buns??? I see a flaw in that plan and some very contented and full buns! :lol:
you have to cut off the ends though when you feed it as the ends that have been in water will have become slightly mushy and slimy and not very good for buns as too water filled.. . .

You can also keep by putting in a trug or wheelbarrow - spray lightly with water (unless picked in the rain this year:roll::roll:) and then stretch something plastic over wheelbarrow and tape /bungee into place. (an old bit of sturdy plastic - just needs to be clean). Keep in a shady spot.
you have to cut off the ends though when you feed it as the ends that have been in water will have become slightly mushy and slimy and not very good for buns as too water filled.. . .

You can also keep by putting in a trug or wheelbarrow - spray lightly with water (unless picked in the rain this year:roll::roll:) and then stretch something plastic over wheelbarrow and tape /bungee into place. (an old bit of sturdy plastic - just needs to be clean). Keep in a shady spot.

Ace advice!

Thanks hun x