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Does your bunny do the 'naughty binky' when you tell them off?

Yes especially Willow, she does a big Conti foot flip too, if she considers we haven't given her sufficient treats (which is often).
I think if I tried to correct my bunnies it would just earn me a nip or a box. After all I'm not the one in charge here you know. :roll:
I spent hours the other day telling Fiver to stop chewing his towel. He'd just look at me each time and go right back to chewing. I command some real authority I guess. :(
This is not to say I've never seen the tail wag, side binky or foot flick...believe me, I get them all in spades but I think their main complaint is that I'm breathing.

Case in point...Fiver's cameo on DR back in 2009:
Only if you go towards him as you tell him off. Like if he's chewing the carpet, or trying to get up the stairs, and you move forward to go and move him, then he'll do it as he runs off! :love:
Oh yes, Lady Katherine loves being told off :roll: it's the only time she binkies! None of mine do it, I just get feet flicks or disapproving looks :roll: they all take a right lot of notice of me too :roll:

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Rambo and Lola do the naughty binky often. Especially if they've ignored the "come home" whistle and I have to walk over to them to herd them home.

Mack has zero idea when he's being naughty and 99% of the time just lets you pick him up and move him :lol:

I think the naughty binky is a result of extra adrenaline from them knowing they're doing something they're not supposed to.