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Do you like my hutch plans?


Mama Doe
here are my hutch plans. the top one is for a rex and the bottom is for my sister guinea pigs

Can you swap it around so the rabbit is on the bottom? Ideally rabbits need access to an attached run of 6x4.
I agree with the above comment - it would be great if you could attach a run to it.

With the piggies hutch, I would be inclined to make it the same size as the bunny's hutch. Yes, the recommended size for 2 guineas is 4ft x 2ft but bigger is always better :)
but i need the storage for the food, hay and straw otherwise it will end up all over the shed floor and my parents wont like that.
can you put the food, hay etc in one of those large checked laundry bags, that way any mess wil land in the bag....
It looks great:D:D But as others have said to make it even better, the bunny could go on the bottom and have an attatched run so he/she can get lots of excercise 24/7 and the guinea pigs i'm sure would love the same size space as the rabbit. You could store stuff in one of those garden box things if you have enough room:D

I found an example of a storage box, they are quite expensive but i'm sure it would be worth it in the long term:D http://direct.tesco.com/q/R.205-8607.aspx