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do you ever wonder about their history?

I wonder about little Badger. He is still very shy and timid. It is so obvious that he loves attention, he responds but he is still very scared of hands. Poor little boy. :(

I am glad he is so happy here though :)
I often do.I wonder if Dill doesn't like being stroked much because of his injurys from another bun or because perhaps his human owners didn't show him any love.Who knows but something in his past has made him into an untrustworthy bun.B had confidence from the day we got her & has had so much love showered on her since she was 11weeks.She trusts us totally[unless I am trying to get her in her carrier!:lol:]Dill was only 10months when we got him so hopefully eventually he will come round.Hes come on alot in the year we have had him.The main thing is he is comfortable & trusting with B & thats got to be nice for him.
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I wonder about ours all the time. They are both BARC bunnies - Rosie was found as a stray in Blackpool. We've had her since May 09, she's still quite timid and will only accept strokes on her terms, but she races round and does amazing binkies, she's our little pirouetting princess :love: she's currently trying to destroy the settee by digging through it and has made several holes in the cushions :roll::lol:

Little Ted was ill treated, here is his story
He's so sad looking in those first pics :(. He's a really happy bunny now, roaming round the house, in fact he's just come back from noseying round the washing on the airers upstairs :love:. He's like a bunny Bart Simpson with his big furry legs, he races about doing little binkies then throws himself to the hearth with his ears flopping all over, and often rolls off, but he doesn't seem to mind:lol:

We just love them so much, and I hate thinking about what might have happened to them before, but I'm sure they must have happier lives now:love:
rescue buns......what kind of life have they had before they were in rescue and then found a home with you?

sat here watching esme, she's such an adorable, inquisitive little girl, i wonder what her life was like before. i know she's happy and safe now but it really bothers me what some buns may have had to endure:(

i shouldn't doubt myself but say if she was happier before?

I find if you do this you tie yourself up in knots, lol