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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Devastated... Little Oscar (again:(.

We are off to the vets in 10mins. Little Oscar was displaying all the signs of his illness at 11.00 this morning. We injected him with vetagestic and gave him oral metacam at about 12 today, that normally works....but it hasn't today, it hasnt done anything:cry:.

We are lucky because Jason our vet is on today and is going to see us. I really think we are going to loose him this time:cry:.
I'm so sorry to hear about little Oscar;( I hope he pulls through, lots of hugs to you. My Lucy isn't feeling very well today too, she had her episode two days ago. Today she also seems to be strange, but is still eating, so I hope we don't need a vet like you do. Lots of vibes xxx Please inform us on little Oscar's health.
We have seen Jason, he said Oscar has a bit of gas in his stomach. He did a good check and said he could feel poo. He gave him a bit more metacam (injection). He gave us more metacam and Cisapride (have done a bit of research on this, its been stopped in the use of humans, and does have side effects in rabbits, im thinking given the possible side effects i should not use it?).

Thank you for replying guys. xx
I don't know the answer to your question, but bumping this up so that others will see it.

Sending vibes for Oscar. xx
Ciscapride is a very effective drug in bunnies and there was an awful lot of frustration when it was withdrawn in humans because it made it harder to get hold of for bunnies. if Jason has prescribed it,I personally would go with what he advises, it was used a lot in bunnies to great effect before its human withdrawal.

I hope your little one is ok x x
Statement from Richard Saunders, Veterinary Advisor to the RWAF :

"Your vet can obtain cisapride from abroad, but this requires a certain amount of paperwork and delay, and is done on a "named patient basis" ie only for a specific rabbit, which means that it is difficult to hold it in stock, to start treatment immediately. There is now a UK source, which allows for more rapid ordering and less delay in getting the drug in, and allows vets to stock it for urgent situations. At present this is only available in tablet form, but it can be converted into liquid form by another company. This can be done as required, or vets can hold the liquid in stock for emergencies. Bear in mind that vets are often reluctant to do so as such medications may, if not used frequently, go out of date, and so tablets, which can be given directly to rabbits, or crushed and administered mixed with food or other carrier substances, are often more practical. The suspension may be a good option in chronic cases where rabbits need the drug on a less urgent, longer term basis, and owners are finding it more difficult to give medication in tablet form"
Santa and Jack's Jane I have just read your replies about cisapride, I am ashamed to say I did not give it to him last night, I got over paranoid about the different side effects and my mind raced to him dying from a heart arrhythmia (lost my mind really). Is it worth me giving it to him now?. He is totally normal today, eating, drinking even binkying, his normal beautiful self.

Thank you for all your replies and vibes im over the moon that Little Oscar is himself today, I really thought we were going to loose him yesterday.