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Chew toys


Mama Doe
B has always tossed her toys like willow toys,toilet rolls but has never been a great chewer!Dill on the other hand chews & eats toilet rolls & his willow ball has half gone!!!!I know this is a silly question as they are CHEW toys but is it safe for Dill to actually eat the willow toys?
Sorry I can't help...but I hope it's ok...

Lola and Mimi now have half a willow ball left as they have eaten the rest...:shock:
They sell willow sticks for chewing, so I would assume that items made out of willow are okay to chew? :?
ive just bought a pack of willow sticks for our bun to chew....but she doesnt! lol

Willow is safe for them to chew therefore it must be safe for them to eat, or they'd not be sold.
ive just bought a pack of willow sticks for our bun to chew....but she doesnt! lol

Willow is safe for them to chew therefore it must be safe for them to eat, or they'd not be sold.

Did think that but thought better just check.:)
Amber quickly demolishes a large tube of willow and eats a fair bit of it. Hasn't done her any harm and keeps her out of mischief.....some of the time
if they occasionally eat toilet rolls it's not too much harm but not advisable on a regular basis : paper, cardboard, or material they like to chew or eat can accumulate in the stomach if swallowed in large quantitites, as i don't believe the cellulose is free from additives.. rabbits really love tossing things that are light and I must say sometimes heavy : I recall Chloé pushing a dictionnary which I used to block a door !:lol: she also thieved a watch I had until she destroyed the leather completely but she was so funny going away and jumping all over the place with the watch in her mouth !!! when she was a baby I also gave her a small hard plastic ball with a bell inside that we give to cats to play with and used to go crazy pushing the ball as she could not grap it with her teeth, that occupied her and distracted her attention to attack something else :p
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if they occasionally eat toilet rolls it's not too much harm but not advisable on a regular basis : paper, cardboard, or material they like to chew or eat can accumulate in the stomach if swallowed in large quantitites, as i don't believe the cellulose is free from additives.. rabbits really love tossing things that are light and I must say sometimes heavy : I recall Chloé pushing a dictionnary which I used to block a door !:lol: she also thieved a watch I had until she destroyed the leather completely but she was so funny going away and jumping all over the place with the watch in her mouth !!! when she was a baby I also gave her a small hard plastic ball with a bell inside that we give to cats to play with and used to go crazy pushing the ball as she could not grap it with her teeth, that occupied her and distracted her attention to attack something else :p

I appreciate cardboard etc isnt good for buns,it was the willow toys I was wondering about.I would loved to have seen your bun running off with your watch.I had a bun who used to pinch my undies off the clothes dryer & run round with them on his head!:lol:
Yes :lol: she used to do it when she was young and she knew where to get it because sometimes I hided it (in the same place though) but she would manage to get it and it was clearly a game because I was chasing her slowly at her speed to get my watch back !!! and she would run away and turn and face me !!! very often when she was doing a silly thing she knew I would not agree with, she would stop when I was coming and then continues her job once I got away. I strongly believe that rabbits are intelligent, playful with humans and their mates when they are fully tamed and trusting their owner... I spent many hours lying on the floor at her level and she used to climb on my back but growing older she calmed down so much that she does not do things like that any more, she is 6 now its a old lady :p

I can also picture your rabbit running off with your clothes !!! :lol: mine did that with a sock, !!