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Chance..little lad


Wise Old Thumper
Poor little Chance passed away while being neutered.:cry:
He was the largest of his litter and seemed healthy.
The vet is very upset as she so rarely loses an animal.
Sadly this litter had such a bad start they may well have underlying problems
Sleep tight little lad xxx
Oh no, how awful. I am so sorry Jill, your vet must feel terrible. Chance was so handsome. :love:

Sleep tight little man xxx
Binky free little chance, im sorry you didnt have longer to roam and play.

Enjoy the endless fun at the bridge x
I am so upset, in floods of tears and I never even met Chance.

I know how upset you will be Jill. I'm so very very sorry xxxx
Thats heartbreaking Jill. He was such a gorgeous little fellow. I am so sorry. Hopefully the others will be okay.
Oh Chance I'm so sorry to read this. We saw that you were going in today.
Binky free little man, forever young & pain free
Thinking about you Jill & your vet