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Canary-bun Progress Upsetting Pics

Gosh she must have been so sore! :cry: Poor little thing. Its great you are making so much progress with her. She is beautiful! :love::love:
What an amazing improvement, bet she's feeling so much better. Paws crossed that she continues to improve.

:love: she looks very happy in the photo where she is nomming :D
Poor little soul I'm glad she's managed to find you and you've been able to do so much for her already. Looking forward to seeing further improvements for this wee lady. :D
What a wonderful update! Also a very sad one too in that she has obviously been deprived of essential care necessary for a pain-free life!
Bless her, what an amazing improvement in a short space of time. Poor little leggies and feetsies, hope they continie to improve :D
This bunny is going to have such a wonderful life now. Perhaps a real little character will develop as well as her leg muscles. Come on little one, you are at last LOVED by many of us on RU.

Such a pity that she has suffered so much.

Sending you strength and happiness wishes. xxxxx:love::love:
Oh wow what a massive improvement in such a short space of time.

So glad that she's found her way to you and is now being shown some proper love and care! You're doing an amazing job!!

Sending nosey rubs and tons of 'keep getting better' vibes!

What a little star!!

A Very big thank you Jill

When Bunnies are in so much need
Neglected, old or ill
Thank goodness for their saviour
The honeybunnies Jill


She and her bunny army
Battle long and hard… until..
They help all of their innocents
That no-one ever will


So from all of the rescued bunnies
Now from filth to luxury
“God bless you” and a big “thank you”
From the bunnies…… and from me.:


( Poems are a part time hobby – PM me if you have any requests..…:love:.)
When Bunnies are in so much need
Neglected, old or ill
Thank goodness for their saviour
The honeybunnies Jill


She and her bunny army
Battle long and hard… until..
They help all of their innocents
That no-one ever will


So from all of the rescued bunnies
Now from filth to luxury
“God bless you” and a big “thank you”
From the bunnies…… and from me.:


( Poems are a part time hobby – PM me if you have any requests..…:love:.)


Lovely! :D