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Can you cut up tarpaulin?


Alpha Buck
Hello all!

I just went out and bought some tarpaulin to make a cover for Flo's hutch and run. But I didn't quite realise how big it would be... I bought a 3.9m X 4.9m sheet! :oops:

Just wondering can you cut it up?

Thanks! :lol:
Hello all!

I just went out and bought some tarpaulin to make a cover for Flo's hutch and run. But I didn't quite realise how big it would be... I bought a 3.9m X 4.9m sheet! :oops:

Just wondering can you cut it up?

Thanks! :lol:

Yes I have often cut it up :D
Thank you!
So I don't need to do anything to edges then?

The only time I found it 'frayed' was with a very cheap and old tarp. Even then I could cut it so it wouldn't.

If anything happens to the edges, put some gaffer tape (or strong brown sticky tape) along one edge. I've not had to do that though.
I fold mine over and tuck the 'spare' bit underneath. Haven't dare cut it as the edges are folded over and finished.
You might find that builders polythene is a better waterproof than tarp.,
Hmm? Unsure which polythene you use but the one I got from B&Q has lasted 3 years without a mark, the tarp leaks though and certainly isn't as waterproof...

No worries, it's good to be different, if we were all using the same thing, life would be boring!:lol:
Hmm? Unsure which polythene you use but the one I got from B&Q has lasted 3 years without a mark, the tarp leaks though and certainly isn't as waterproof...

No worries, it's good to be different, if we were all using the same thing, life would be boring!:lol:

Indeed! :lol: It was a very thick one but not sure whether it was B&Q or Homebase .. I use it outside to protect a storage place, so gets very weathered. Tarp I find doesn't rip like this one did. Admittedly after a year, and only torn in one place :D