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Can bunnies OD on raisins???


Warren Scout
My older son just forgot to put the raisins away after giving a couple to the buns. After he left the house they got up on the sofa, then the coffee table, then got the lid off the can of raisins and finished them off! There may have been a small palmful of raisins (I don't know UK measurements. ARGH!).
Needless to say, if only one of the buns found and ate up these raisins, is he or she going to be okay?
My older son just forgot to put the raisins away after giving a couple to the buns. After he left the house they got up on the sofa, then the coffee table, then got the lid off the can of raisins and finished them off! There may have been a small palmful of raisins (I don't know UK measurements. ARGH!).
Needless to say, if only one of the buns found and ate up these raisins, is he or she going to be okay?

Yes they will be fine - raisins aren't toxic, but they ARE extremely high in sugar and therefore all that sugar could cause an upset tummy/caecal dysbiosis so if I were you I'd make sure the buns have plenty of hay today and NO other fruit or sugary veggies for several days. I'd keep a little eye on them too - caecal dysbiosis 'can' sometimes precipitate an episode of GI stasis but not always. Just get them eating lots of hay for a few days and they should be fine. :)
Thank you for your answer!
They LOVE their hay and eat plenty of it-of course there is always lots out for them.
I will keep an eye on the poos and the hay and water consumption. So far, so good!
Raisins can be toxic unfortunately. If your bunnies have eaten them I would monitor them very closely and if their behaviour, drinking or weeing changes then you need to get them to the vets as an emergency (especially if they stop weeing).
Raisins and grapes are a common source of poisoning in domestic pets (usually greedy labradors :roll:) and not all cause toxicity as it appears not all grapes/rasisins have the toxin (or contaminant?) but they can be very damaging to the kidneys.
Used to always buy Barley raisons as a treat but since her renal problems vet said all dried fruit are a no no.I would say this isn't a problem if your buns have no other health problems.
Raisins can be toxic unfortunately. If your bunnies have eaten them I would monitor them very closely and if their behaviour, drinking or weeing changes then you need to get them to the vets as an emergency (especially if they stop weeing).
Raisins and grapes are a common source of poisoning in domestic pets (usually greedy labradors :roll:) and not all cause toxicity as it appears not all grapes/rasisins have the toxin (or contaminant?) but they can be very damaging to the kidneys.

Thank you for this additional information. Both buns are weeing and pooing as usual, thank goodness! They are eating lots of hay and drinking plenty of water and I will continue with just the hay and water (and some green leafies) for a few days before reintroducing some pellets. They are NOT pleased about not getting some pellets, let me tell you! They just love them.
Oh, well! Naughty bunnies miss out, hey?