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Can any one explain to me.....

Geoff's people

Alpha Buck
Why buns can't eat plum branches when blackthorn (the original wild plum) is perfectly safe?
I am really curious to know if anyone has info on the subject please? Thankies:D:D
This is what is confusing me, Blackthorn/sloes DO have a 'stone' it's just much smaller than that of a plum which is it's cultivated form, but blackthorn is not just bunny safe, it is positively good for buns.
Still confused:lol::lol:
But then I am very easily confused:lol:
Maybe blackthorn is the exception! I read that trees with fruits of one stone are unsafe as well. Don't worry I'm confused as well. I've just learnt the difference between blackthorn and hawthorn, no good at tree identification. I know flowers and now having a rabbit getting into weeds:D