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Can a female spayed rabbit get pregnant?

No, of course not, spaying means removing the womb and ovaries, so there's zero chance of a spayed rabbit getting pregnant, because there's nothing there! They may still suffer from phantom pregnancies.
No, spaying removes the reproductive organs so pregnancy is no longer possible - do get a vet to check it was done if you were just told she was spayed rather than booking the op yourself.

An unneutered male won't know about the spay though so often they still mount a lot! This can annoy the female and she may retaliate with a nip which is why you usually get both done :)
I would like to know if a spayed female rabbit can get pregnant with a male rabbit that is NOT neutered?

Firstly nope it's impossible but as others have said if she wasn't spayed with you then you might want to ask a vet to check, they might shave a bit of fur off of her belly and look for a scar

If she's building a nest, she's having a phantom pregnancy and if she's been with the male thats probably why

If you have them together or are considering it, pleaseeeee dont. She might know she's not be able to get pregnant but he wont and he will try and try until she gets so fed up she'll turn on him and could really seriously injure him, or spend all her time running away from him never getting a chance to relax. He needs to be neutered and left for a certain ammount of time for his hormones to calm down before you attempt bonding. Also, if she does turn on him and they have a fit, thats it, you'd be incredibly lucky to bond them after that, so yeah just wait till they're both hormone free for the best chances of bonding and the happiest rabbits :)

There's many other benefits of getting the male neutered too so I'd really consider it :)