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Cage is here!

I feel like i'm freeloading!! Honestly, use the hay for yourselves, I will keep up Snowy's care xxx

The hay is already on its way :wave: ya not freeloading at all we wanted to send hay for snowy :love: let's see a photo go snowy nommin his new hay :love::love:
I feel like i'm freeloading!! Honestly, use the hay for yourselves, I will keep up Snowy's care xxx

Before I started buying bales of hay I used to make sure I either had a carrier bag or a small bag of hay tucked away so that if I managed to run out there was enough to last over night :thumb: only works if you can remember where you put it though :lol:
Thank you for your advice all, i'm still trying to fix my phone, anybody know how to fix a blackberry camera? x
what's your camera doing?
Just make sure when you go shopping with yer mam that hay is always on the list, or have a day that you get it from the farm.
I always buy extra hay when i'm out shopping, as they go through it so fast and sometimes i'm not well enough to get out :oops: So I always make sure I pick up a bag extra when I am well enough to get out xxx
Oh pinkbun I think you are having a hard time. I have only Lola for 2 months and I have learned so much off of here. Please please speak to your mum. Please let her know that you need help. If you can do favours around the house to help. Hope it helps. :thumb:
snowy will learn to eat it and enjoy.When I needed mine to eat more I cut out the pellets. They look at you as if your starving them but then they find hay.
If you are near a market you can ask for greens they don't want. Usually people don't want the green tops of carrots and bunnies love them
Don't worry, Just as long as you remember to get it in the future :wave: with help from the forum you should have a nice supply of hay to keep you going for a bit.

When I was about 11 I got my first rabbit, Thumper. I didn't know anything about their needs and how they needed hay. I thought it was a different type of bedding, like straw. So they got it sometimes for their bedding, but not often enough. Thumper lived with my guinea pig too. Anyway about 2 years later he started having blood in his droppings and my mum took him to the vets. Turned out the spurs that were growing on his back teeth had given his absceses and stuff. The vets tried to give him a dental but he didn't wake up. The thought of him suffering like he did sends me into tears even to this day and I can never forgive myself for as long as I live for letting that happen to him.

I am not trying to scare you or anything, just please don't let that happen to Snowy. Make your mum understand that it is important Snowy gets hay. Even if she complains about the mess, like my mum does, just tell her it is better then having to pay for dental every couple of months.