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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

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Bunny has another abscess :(

The abscess was surgically removed unburst then stitched, it was removed from the outside so there's a 'scooped out' area that's healing, but that is quite deep and germs are breeding in there... She's on antibiotics and the hole/wound is being cleaned daily until it's healed.

When you clean out the hole can you pack it with Manuka Honey, it honestly is fantasic stuff and would stop germs breeding and kill off any pus from coming back.
Thanks Kermit - I've been putting manuka honey in which I opened in December - would it still be ok to use?
I'm so sorry to hear that Lilly has another abscess.
My only experience is Benjie who has generalised pasteurellosis, snuffles & 2 abscesses on arrival - thigh & foot.

To improve the efficay of ABx he had good pain relief with metacam x2 daily at the time + a pinch of echinacea from the capsule form daily. (He didn't like the liquid, but takes the powder on a basil leaf)
He's now gone over a year without recurrence of abcesses. The snuffles remained mild until a flare up before Christmas. It cleared within 5 days but we continued the full 6 weeks course. He's been snuffles free since.

I feel that the echinacea has indeed enhanced the efficacy of the ABx - it makes his own white cells more aggressive attacking the bacteria. I advise caution in using echinacea with a stasis prone bunny, theoretically, as it can slightly increase cortisol levels in humans. We've had no stasis probs at all.

Wishing you all the best.
I have only just seen this thread and am not sure if you are going to an exotic vet at the moment. One of my buns had an abscess over Christmas which my vet could nolonger treat. I was recommended Manor Vets (exotics) in Birmingham and their rabbit specialist Marie Kubriak was brilliant and saved me many hours travelling.
I have only just seen this thread and am not sure if you are going to an exotic vet at the moment. One of my buns had an abscess over Christmas which my vet could nolonger treat. I was recommended Manor Vets (exotics) in Birmingham and their rabbit specialist Marie Kubriak was brilliant and saved me many hours travelling.

I second that. I saw her down here with Thumper (sticky on health - rare diseases) She's very highly gifted with bunnies.
thumps - what echinacea do you use? Think ill get some for Inca, ta x

Benjie has "Solgar" echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)http://www.bodykind.com/AdvancedSea...ar Echinacea&gclid=CLfYl8_r9bUCFczHtAodJ3UAqg
He's a 3.3Kgm bunny. He has a pinch a day (& I have his left overs! - I still get colds but they're over with in less than 1/2 day.) That way he gets a new capsule each day.

I found that it's no use putting powders on food - it just trickles to the bottom & isn't eaten.
The thing that works for him is wrapping it up in a basil leaf.;)
If using it long term, as we are, some people advise 5 days taking it then 2 days rest. We do that now he's clear.
Hi thank you all so much for your replies :)
The Manuka honey was from my vet and says 'Medical grade' on it (but doesn't give a number).
Yes my vet is an exotics vet and from seeing other vets in the past he's the best one I've ever been to :)
Lily has echinacea as well, she wouldn't drink the water when I put it in there so I get the powder capsules and sprinkle some onto wet leaves, it sticks to them and she eats those.
Puddle and Elliott - what was the course of action for the abscess that could no longer be treated?
My vet hasn't said this one can't be treated but he did say the outer skin is trying to close before the inner skin has healed so he might have to cut the outside open a bit more until the inside has healed so we can get to it to clean it more. He heals abscesses "from the inside outwards" if that makes sense to you? (not sure how to explain it!)
I also mix a pinch of probiotics in water and syringe-feed her that as she won't drink water with it in, even though my other bun loves it!
Mist had a tooth abscess which our original vet said he could not operate on and then when we saw Marie she had him operated on in a week and he has not looked back since. He now has a lopsided face as he must have lost some facial muscle but his fur has regrown and he is fine....so far!
I thought I would have to do a lot of cleaning of the wound but he was lucky.

I hope your bun is ok soon....they are a worry.