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bridgit, anyone know what breed?????

well what i was led to believe was a rescue, well iv found its not registered or anything, we think she was a bit barmy tbh! well i had no clue how to tell, neither did my bf and i had no reason 2 believe otherwise, i wasnt even aware they had mated as they didnt share a hutch (they stil dont) they just lay down together in the back yard! well i know now she isnt! im going to get her done after the others though, give her time to settle down and get her strenth bk after the babies have gone. i have reported the woman a couple of times tho and she is stil calling herself a 'a small animal rescue' i cant be to nasty tho as shes related to my sisters husband!
that's a bit naughty to lead you to believe she was already neutered. i wouldn't have thought you can really tell once all the fur has grown back. i think mating can happen in literally seconds so you can turn your back and it's done. :lol:

at least you know to take better measures in the future with regards to the male and female being allowed time together until she is done now, she doing good with those babies though. :wave:
Its a shame you were misled over her spey...but aslong as you've found them all goods homes no harm done:D

might be aswell to let the woman who runs the "rescue" know ..it may make her think twice about telling someone else porkies:?

They look a very cute family and ..I too love the name Lucifer!
i told her as soon as brig made a nest and pulled fur.......the woman said it would just be a phantom preg etc, then when nothing had occured a week later i thought all was fine. a cpl of days later she pulled a huge amount of more fur and proceeded to giv birth to 9 babys! most people are surprised they all survived although we had a few problems with lucifer, people have suggested that as it was a big litter that she may have been unable to cope, and that they have 8 nipples, is this true??? just out of curiosity, iv never thought to count them!! yeh im pleased i dont have to try and find homes, although i probably would have just kept the ones that were left! as soon as they seen them they wanted them! had to mark their ears so i knew where they were going! i have only asked for money of one person who is taking 3 girls, as it is a friend of my bf's not close family/friend, this will be going str8 back into the rabbits 'kitty' lol probably be put towards bridgits neutor!
:wave:Hi, yes your right Bridgit looks just like Roo, his fur is so shiny and thick it never alters is Bridgets the same? Love the babies really cute, im still lookng for Alaskan thread if i find i,ll pm it you.
stuf in her tray is litter, the natural stuf, feels like the cartons you get eggs in, iv been using this as i was worried the babies may eat the normal litter

ooh, would you be able to tell me the exact name of it. I'm always interested in new litter sources. I'm finding megazorb (what I use) makes my sinuses hurt.
yeh the magazorb stuf has apparantly recently had a new 'fragrance' added, my friend uses it on her rats and it has made her sneezy and itchy, also had bad affect on the rats so i think she may have stoppd using it.......its biocatolet, does anyone have the same problem of your buns tipping their tray up????? i need to find a solution 2 this!
i use biocatlet too :D alsways smells of tomatoes :? :shock::lol: your bunnies are gorgeous so cute and fluffy :love:
im sure i read that someone put a brick in their litter tray to stop it being flipped over or you could drill small holes in the sides of the tray and cable tie it to the mesh
cant say iv noticed the tomatoe smell but it is perculiar! we were thingink about trying a thin layer on concrete or sumthin, dunno if it would work
i use biocatlet too :D alsways smells of tomatoes :? :shock::lol: your bunnies are gorgeous so cute and fluffy :love:
im sure i read that someone put a brick in their litter tray to stop it being flipped over or you could drill small holes in the sides of the tray and cable tie it to the mesh

We put a brick in our shed one. It's also their step to the shelf though.

you can buy little g clamps from hardware stores that you can secure the litter tray in place with. :)
ahhh mite have to look at that this weekend thanx:D iv posted a new post in rabbit chat, need advice/oppinions on new bun