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Bramble 2004-2007


Young Bun
Bramble, died peacefully in his sleep yesterday and the whole family is heartbroken. He was off his food the day before and had died when i went to check the next morning.
I knew something was wrong when his partner, Maisie, had hay in her mouth which she was taking to him to keep him warm. This is what breaks my heart the most.:(
We got him from ARC and I know he had a better time with us rather than living in a flat, but he was such a friendly rabbit we all miss him so much.
I don't know whether to put Maisie with another rabbit, as she took a long time to trust another rabbit as she had been badly bitten by one of my other rabbits in the past.
I hope that Bramble dreams of running in the fields as we have buried him under our big oak tree.
We all miss you.