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Boyles pet housing.


Young Bun
Just wondering if anyone has used this company recently. Their stuff looks amazing but I ordered a hutch/run (bespoke) in June and it still hasn't arrived yet :(

Is this typical for Boyles? Am I being too impatient?
I haven't bought from them but have heard some amazing things about them.

I have a feeling they have quite a long lead time on hutches as they are built to order so maybe your run is still on the to do list? June is a very long time ago though...

Are they not responding to emails? That seems odd, I'm pretty sure boyles is run by Daniel who is a member on here and he always seems polite and prompt although I don't think he is on the forum all that often.
Thanks for the replies.
I have emailed a few times over the last few months, I always get a polite and friendly reply, but basically saying the same thing.....they will start making it in a few weeks. I didn't want to bombard them with emails if this is their standard practice.
Thanks for the link Daphnephoebe, I didn't know Daniel was a member on here :oops:
I had not thought to try contacting via facebook, great idea!
Thanks for the replies.
I have emailed a few times over the last few months, I always get a polite and friendly reply, but basically saying the same thing.....they will start making it in a few weeks. I didn't want to bombard them with emails if this is their standard practice.
Thanks for the link Daphnephoebe, I didn't know Daniel was a member on here :oops:
I had not thought to try contacting via facebook, great idea!
Maybe ask for a date that it'll be started as I'm sure you're getting anxious for your product, especially as you've probably already paid at least a deposit.

It's a long time to be waiting and I'm sure Daniel will understand if you start pushing them a little harder to start your product.

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I had an aviary delivered from them a few weeks ago, and it is awesome. It did take a few weeks longer to come than I was originally led to believe though.
It is Daniel on here - they're usually very responsive on email so I'd just ask them for more clarity.

FWIW Daniel is always really helpful on here, which is why I went to him in the first place, and the product really is very good quality.
Thanks, esupi. It is good to know that the quality is as good as I had hoped.

I thought I would have my hutch/run by the end of August, guess I will have to be a bit more pushy on my emails.
I’m sorry about your delay, we’ve fallen behind on our orders and we are trying our best to get them made and sent out. There is just not enough time in the day, for example a kennel can take 4 days to make and some orders we have sold two for one customer.

Also we lost a trained staff member a month ago which hasn’t helped.

It’s one of the reasons I’ve been debating if I should stop selling sheds and kennels due to the amount of time they take to produce. But the problem with that is most my sales come from those products.

I understand this is not your problem and I am doing my best to get order built and sent out. Can you send me a PM with you order number or name so I can advise?
Thanks for the explanation, Daniel.
Everybody says your products are great!
You are just too popular.

I sent you a PM.