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Bonding query


Mama Doe
I just need some bonding vibes because I'm not very experienced with it really!

I got my new rescue rabbit Madge yesterday and her and Rupert are living side by side, well he free ranges a lot but he can see her whenever he goes into the garage.

They have had face to face contact through the bars, at first it was just sniffing but Rupert has started to try and nip through the bars and put his paws up on them as if trying to get in. I haven't seen Madge try and initiate any aggression, she mainly just sniffs him then carries on eating but will put her paws up if he does it.

Is this normal for the first stages of bonding? I don't want Rupert's aggression to ruin things. I know it's very early days, I just don't want it to be doomed already.
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How they react either side of the barrier isn't necessarily an indication of how things will be bonding. If they seem frustrated by not being able to get together I would either start boning properly in a neutral space or maybe make it so they can't see each other until you can start.
The RSPCA are really concerned about Madge bonding so they told me not to put them together for at least two weeks. It's going to be a long two weeks!
The RSPCA are really concerned about Madge bonding so they told me not to put them together for at least two weeks. It's going to be a long two weeks!

The RSPCA do vary a lot with bonding advice, I have 2 RSPCA buns from different branches & what each advised me to do was worlds apart - I kinda ignored both. I don't feel there is a whole lot of point doing the side by side living - I know some people like & get results that way but its not imperative.