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Bonding Max into my pair


Young Bun
I'm hoping to bond Max into my already bonded pair (Chloe and Edward).

Max isn't neutered but both Chloe and Edward have been done. I already know this will make a difference with bonding him to Chloe (they have met and he has tried to hump her... ending up jumping on her back because he's too small!) but will this make a difference with Edward? They've sniffed each other through bars and only Edward has been agressive. Can Edward tell that Max isn't neutered and thus competition for his mate?

I'm unsure about when Max will be able to be done as he has been quite sick recently, he needs to be a hell of a lot better to undergo GA. He is also 4 years old so may be risky anyway.

Chloe is very, very laid back and has met him outside of his pen with no issues (she loves everyone). Edward, on the other hand, tried to bite him when I had Max on my lap. I know there will be some fighting but not too sure of what constitutes a little bit of fighting versus a full blown 'I'm going to get you and kill you' fight! Edward didn't seem to be displaying full aggressive behaviour (ears back, tail up etc.) and is generally very laid back.

This will be my first try as proper bonding as Chloe and Edward fell in love straight away so didn't have to do anything bar letting them out together and monitoring them for a couple of hours! Don't think I'm going to be as lucky with this one :lol:

Advice would be great! I've read up about it and understand the process in theory, just having difficulty with the practical side!!! Thank you!!!

(Failing trying to do it myself... does anyone have any recommendations for places that will bond them for you in/near Nottingham?!)
personally I'd wait until Max is fit and well and neutered.If not he may pester your female relentlessly and she'll get fed up of it.Its far better to have a castrate done by a competent vet than by an angry rabbit.4 is not to old to be neutered,there are rescues etc on here that have neutered rabbits far older than this.