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Bonding girls


Mama Doe
Hi all. I've had rabbits for many years and done many pair/trio bonds but never with just girls. I have two single spayed girls who have both lost their male partners in the last 6 months. I was wondering about trying them together but know girl/girl bonds are potentially not easy. Any tips or success stories to help me along??!!
As I've mentioned I have done many bonds through the years but this one with trepidation😨!!
I would just give it a go on neutral territory. Nothing to lose, a pair of happy bunnies to gain...hopefully. As they have both had partners until recently, I would hope that would go in your favour as they are used to being with another bun. Good luck.
I would just give it a go on neutral territory. Nothing to lose, a pair of happy bunnies to gain...hopefully. As they have both had partners until recently, I would hope that would go in your favour as they are used to being with another bun. Good luck.
Thank you